Here you will find our blog articles updated weekly! We cover a wide array of topics and try to include helpful links for you to find further information.
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How to (Properly) Wash Your Fruits and Vegetables
How to (Properly) Wash Your Fruits and Vegetables

12 Health Quests of 2024; Tracking Progress
Learn how to track your progress on your SMART goals

Mapping Out the Months; A New Year Full of Possibility and…Nope?!?
Mapping Out the Months
A New Year Full of Possibility and…Nope?!?

Setting SMART Goals
Learn what SMART goals are and how to use them to set yourself up for success in 2024!

Gender Conversations; a Guide for Parents
Talking about gender with your children can be difficult. Dr. Jonathan Anslow provides this guide for parents for how to discuss gender with their children.

Reading an Unfinished Book Series
Reading an ongoing series is a risk, it might never be finished or you might be waiting years for the next book. Why then take the risk?

Autism in Women and Girls
More and more women and girls are being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, in this article we will discuss what is behind the rise in diagnoses, how Autism presents in women and girls, the challenges they face and how to find support through diagnosis and therapy.

Leaving for College
Leaving for college can both be exciting and difficult. Here are a few tips to help with the transition to college.

How Behavior is Rewarded in Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPG)
Behavioral reinforcement is built into tabletop gaming.

Should ADHD Actually Be Called “IDD”?
Social media like TikTok is littered with ADHD misinformation, while youths’ trust in mental health professionals is at a remarkable low. Would a formal or informal label change help? Some experts think so, and believe “Intention Deficit Disorder” may be a helpful, accurate option.

How are Tabletop Role-Playing Games Played?
A GM gets ready to lead their players through a TTRPG session

The Magic Circle
Dr. Megan Connell explores the idea of the magic circle in her continuing series on using tabletop role-playing games in therapy.

What Are Role-Playing Games (RPGs)?
In learning about using TTRPGs in therapy it is important to understand the fundamental underpinnings of the topic. This article works to explain the basics of what an RPG is. We will explore the three key elements of RPGs and how they impact gameplay.

TTRPG Series Introduction
The first in an ongoing series about Tabletop Role-Playing games. This article is the first in a series discussing what TTRPGs are, how they are played, and how therapists are using them to help their clients.