January 2024
New Year, New Skills!
This year use the staff of Health Quest to help you make lasting changes! We have staff that can assist with:
12 Health Quests of 2024
Each month in 2024 Health Quest will be introducing a new quest for you to follow along with! For January we are focused on goal setting!
Look for blog posts on setting SMART goals, methods for tracking progress and more! Follow the Health Quest Blog here.
Setting, and Keeping, SMART Goals
Kate Kingsley, PN1, will be hosting New Year Nutrition.
We will be going over basic nutritional knowledge starting with understanding nutritional labels on packaging and taking a side by side look at traditional snacks that everyone enjoys and some healthier versions of these snacks! Come take the first step in taking control of your nutrition and start out the year with some new knowledge!
Dr. Megan Connell will be hosting a women’s low sensory board game night featuring Wingspan
There are so many amazing board games out there to to learn how to play! While many gaming stores offer demo nights for games they can often be in a loud overstimulating environment that might not feel welcoming to women gamers. Our low-sensory women's only game night is for women to come in and learn about different amazing boardgames and try their hand at a round or two of the games! Dr. Megan Connell, author of Tabletop Role-Playing Therapy, will be leading these nights helping players learn the gaming mechanics, strategy and answering questions that anyone might have. No experience is needed!
Dr. Megan Connell will be running 2 sections of her Self-Rescuing Princess Girls* D&D Groups.
Come and enter a wold of adventure as you learn assertiveness communication skills, cooperative team building and more in Dr. Connell's girls applied D&D group. We will have 2 groups, both meeting on Thursday, one for middle schoolers starting at 4:30, one for high schoolers starting at 6:30. For more information or to sign up email Dr. Connell at MConnell@HQPsych.com
*For this group girls is defined as those identifying as female, those assigned female at birth who identify as nonbinary, and transgender girls.
Dr. Ginelle Wolfe will be running Gender Junction
This group will consist of two alternating parts. One segment will convene bi-weekly for individuals who identify as trans, nonbinary, or are in the process of exploring their gender identity. The second segment will meet on the alternate weeks and will be dedicated to parents, guardians, or significant others seeking a deeper understanding of gender-related topics and an opportunity to connect with others for support. When: Tuesdays from 4-5pm The group will begin in February, 2024 Price: $50 per person
Chris Love will be running a weekly support group
Chris Love developed a weekly support group. This is an experiential group that allows a space for growth, movement, accountability, and life skill development. This group focuses (but not limited to) ages 14-21. Meetings take place Tuesday night. For more information email Chris at CLove@HQPsych.com
To stay up to date with our events including groups, lectures, and more please visit https://www.hqpsych.com/events
Inclement Weather Policy
If we have a weather emergency and it is not safe to travel, or you do not feel safe to travel, we can switch your appointment to a virtual session, or you can reschedule with no fee due to the weather emergency. Each provider will determine if they are coming into the office or not during weather events. We will do our best to reach out to clients with scheduled appointments as soon as we know if a provider needs to cancel an appointment. Should the office be closed due to weather we will post an update on our webpage!